Answered by: Mufti Eunus Ali
I have two questions about the phrase in the Adhan/Iqama “Hayya alal khayril amal”:
1) Why did Sayyiduna ‘Umar Ibn Al Khattab (radiallahu anhu) remove the wording from the Adhan/Iqama?
2. Is it still allowed to put them back in again and recite these words?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
I have been unable to locate any sources within our traditions which state or suggest that Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) made any additions or subtractions to the adhan.
Furthermore, in regards to the phrase “hayya ala khayril amal”; it is not mentioned in the authentic compilations of Hadith to be a part of the adhan during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon Him).
The common words we know to be these days have been approved and taught by the Prophet (peace be upon Him) to his companions in authentic Ahadith.
In Sunan Al-Kubra, Imam Al-Bayhaqi (May Allah have mercy upon him) has established a subheading in regard to the above phrase being used in the Adhan. He has narrated that the likes of Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with Him) would occasionally make the addition of this phrase. He has also narrated that Ali Bin Hussain (May Allah have mercy upon them) has stated that this phrase was in the initial adhan.
Imam Al-Bayhaqi has narrated the above a Hadith in which Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) would announce these words during the Fajr Adhan. The Prophet (peace be upon Him) then had this phrased exchanged for the statement ‘As-SalatKhayrum Min An-Nawm’.
In the conclusion of this subheading, Imam Al-Bayhaqi has stated: These words are not established from the Prophet (peace be upon Him) in that which he had taught Bilal and Abu Mahdhurah (two Mu’addhins during His time) and we detest any addition to the adhan.[1]
Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy upon him): it is detestable for the phrase “hayya ala khayrilamal” be said during the adhan because it is not established from the messenger of Allah (peace be upon Him).[2]
Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) has stated: then they (The Rafidhah sect) have increased a phrase in the Adhan which was not known during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon Him) and none have transmitted any command from Him in this regard, and this is their statement ‘hayya ala khayrilamal.’
He further on stated: We know that the adhan which was called by Bilal and Ibn Umm Maktoom in the Mosque of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) in Madinah, and by Abu Mahzoorah in Makkah, by Saad Al-Quraz in Quba did not contain this phrase of the Rafidhah sect. If it were to be a part of the adhan the Muslims would have transmitted it and would not have omitted it just as they have transmitted that which is less significant than this. Therefore when those who have transmitted this addition are not from the narrators of the adhan, it is known that this is an invalid innovation.[3]
Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy upon him) has stated: it is established from Ibn Umar and Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hanif, that they would say “hayya ala khayril amal” in their Adhan, however we do not say this because it is not established from the Prophet (prophet peace be upon Him) and a Hujjat (evidence in Islam) cannot be taken from other than Him.[4]
Allamah Shawkani has also reiterated the same opinion as the above scholars and has also stated: Indeed the four jurists do not differ in this matter that “hayya ala khayril amal” is not a part of the Adhan.[5]
The Fatwa Council of Saudi Arabia has also mentioned the usage of this phrase is an innovation that has no basis and therefore the Prophetic adhan needs to be adopted.[6]
Conclusion: we can deduct from the above statements of the scholars that the use of the phrase “hayya ala khayril amal” was not used or approved by the Prophet (peace be upon Him). Furthermore, if we are to consider the narrations in which some of the companions have used this phrase in their adhan , then the Hadith which is narrated by Imam Al-Bayhaqi (mentioned above) will abrogate the use of this phrase.
Therefore it will not be permissible to make this addition to the Adhan.
Only Allah knows best
Written by Maulana Eunus Ali
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham
[1]Sunan Al-Kubra of Imam Al-Bayhaqi, Volume 1, Page 624-625, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah
[2] Al-Majmoo’ of Imam An-Nawawi, Volume 3, Page 106, MaktabatulIrshad
[3]Minhaj As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah, Volume 6, Page 293-294,
[4] Al-Mahalla, Volume 2, Page 194, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah
[5]NaylulAwtaar, Page 252, BaytulAfkaar Ad-Dawliyyah
[6]Fatawa Al-LajnatutDa’imah, Volume 6, Page 401