(Fatwa: 2055/2049=D/1429)
Satanic dreams are the ones which one sees in dreams as reflections of thoughts. The Satan wants to annoy and worry. The Hadith instructs that while seeing such dreams one should recite: لاحول و لاقوۃ الا باللہ and divert his attention from it without telling it to anyone. The dreams themselves do not affect, it is not right to decide something as good and bad by mere seeing a dream. However, sometimes dreams are signals from Allah. The abovementioned dream is an indication to destructions caused by sins which are emerging in the society. So, you should see how much you are trying to avoid the destructions of sins, keep on your efforts and fear Allah so that you are protected fully. May Allah keep all of us protected from the destructions of sins!
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband