We have been through few problems in last few years. With me being jobless for few years now there has been trouble in finding a groom for my sister and my mother’s health is also an issue, so my father consulted an Alim and he said that there is some black magic behind these things and he gave us some supplications and papers to drink and burn, and there was improvement in my mother’s and sister’s condition. But after some time the Alim got busy and was not able to help us, so my father consulted some other person (I do not have any idea if he is an Alim or Hafiz or not) and he gave us some “tawiz” to wear and to put on wall. And on the tawiz that he gave to hang on the wall on every corner he has written “Ya Jibrail” “Ya Israfil” “Ya Izrail” and “Ya Mikail”. I would like to know if it is ok to address them like that.
(Fatwa: 510/442/B=1433)
If it is written to seek help from them then it is not lawful as per the Shariah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband