Assalamu ‘Alykum Is adding Google Adsense in a website, and earn money through this Halaal? Google Adsense is actually an Advertisement platform, which is embedded in a website, which shows different sort of advertisement. Though they say that they dont show porn type of ads as per their policy, but there are other non shariah advertisements to be displayed. Though all the ads are not Non Shariah, but if talking about the non shariah ads displayed by Google Adsense,l some are the advertisements of Dating, Songs, Meat, Skulls, Christianity Promition, Adult Hosting, ” You must be saved to go to Heaven” etc. But as said, all the advertisement are not non shariah and haraam only. Halaal ads are also displayed there. Now please look into this matter, and let us know if the income of such earning is Halaal or not, and if not Halaal then what action could be taken on that.. If the income coming from, is like 100,000 USD per month.
(Fatwa: 191/144/L=1432)
Income earned on reading only the advertisement cannot be termed as unlawful. However, it is not lawful to propagate non-shariah advertisements or to sell and purchase the same.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband