Assalamulaikum Wa Rahmatullah e wa barakatuh Question1-In Sajdah for Males is it sunnah to keep the feet separate or keep the heels of the both feet together?please provide proof from saheeh hadeeth. Question2-The hadeeth that prophet alaihes salam used to keep the heels of his feet together in sajdah is it proven from sahih hadeeth? Question3-The hadeeth that prophet alaihes salam used to keep his feet separate in sajdah is the hadeeth saheeh? Question4-If both the hadeeth are saheeh then which hadeeth should we follow,should males keep the feet separate or keep the heels of feet together?
(Fatwa: 1867/283=B/1429)
(1) It is mentioned in the Hadith;
كان ابن عمر لا يفرج بين قدميه و لا يمس إحداهما بالأخرى و لكن بين ذلك, لايقارب ولا يباعد (المغنى 2:11)
It means that one should neither keep the ankles of both feet together while standing in salah nor one should make so much space between them.
(2, 3) Yes, the word الصاق کعبین is mentioned in the Hadith, it means the ankles should be opposite to each other; therefore both the ways are allowed i.e. keeping them apart or keeping them together.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband