AssalamoAlykum the toilet water is high and lots of splashing occurs i try to guard my self as much as i can but usually when i urinate tiny particles splash back onto me when i do istinja for urinating, i am forced to also clean my back passage because that is where the urine splashes usually fall. my question is, when i do istinjaa, the water i use for istinjaa falls to the bottom of the toilet(which has already been flushed so the water in it is not dirty) and water splashes back on me. Would that water be najis? Since i heard if the water’s smell/taste doesent change, it is pure. the water in the toilet doesent seem to change, so is the water splashing back pure? I try my best but there is no way possible to guard against such splashes. I often have to resort to taking showers, either from urine splashing, or water used for istinjaa splashing. Please help me because i have been praiyng lately with istinja water splashing back and i try to avoid waswas and try my best but some things i can not control, and Allah says he will not put on us a buren we can not handle. Please help me.Almighty Allah will reward you!
(Fatwa: 97/95/B=1432)
If the splashes of urine or the splashes of dirty impure water fall on you, it is enough to wash the place where they are smeared; there is no need to perform ghusl. And if the splashes of clean water fall on you, there is no need to wash them or to bath, your body and clothes also shall remain pure. . You can offer salah in the same state.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband