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Is the Nikah still valid for the lady and her husband? What is the remedy for her situation?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
One of my friend(I can’t disclose id)was cheated by some Hafiz who was engaged to teach Kuran & sexual relation were made. The lady have two kids. My question is that: whether the Nikah is still alive to her husband, if not, what further action i.e. about Iddat. The lady is helpless & there is no support from parental & matter was not disclosed to anyone else except me or her husband. The husband wants that if there is no more relation with her He accept her as the governess of his children. Whether Hafiz allowed to make Namaz in Masjid He (The culprit) is a Imam in Masjid. What is the remidy to console her as he accept her Gunah. She want to know her punishment. Please solve the problem. We feel that for one crime, we are not indulged in more sin. please oblige us. The matter was so sensitive that we can’t disclose it to anybody other wise five lives are destroyed & both Mayka/Sasural & other relations are badly effected as the No.of female are too much & to know this shameful incident all are destroyed.


(Fatwa: 762/707=B/1430)

If a married woman commits adultery, her Nikah with her husband is not cancelled. You have covered the sin of a woman, Allah in Qiyamah shall cover your sins as well. You did the right thing. Now, the woman should repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness sincerely. It is hoped that Allah shall forgive her. If the hafiz also repents, he can continue the imamah, otherwise his imamah will be makrooh.  

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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