When i joined university, i needed to secure a scholarship to gain entry to the institute, as my family was not well financed at that time. The scholarship was provided by the government ministry. However, i came to realise that the scholarship i received was not based merit, rather through some talks between my relatives and the scholarships officer behind the curtain (in secrecy). I also found out that my family had to offer some bribe to the officer in order to guarantee that i receive the scholarship for the degree of engineering. (1) Is that education which i received upon that scholarship unlawful to me? (2) I am currently working, is my income also unlawful due to receiving education where bribery was involoved. (3) I signed an agreement with the scholarships ministry (the government), where i would need to serve the country for the number of years i got the scholarship for i.e. 3 years, and it wasnt mentioned that i need to return that amount back to the government. I am almost completing my 3rd year of work on the country. Does it mean that i have to return the full amount of schlarship to the government of my country?
(Fatwa: 1597/1271=H/1430)
Telling lie, breaching trust and bribe is haram. As far as the education you got is concerned, it will not be regarded haram. (2) The salary will not be termed unlawful if you perform all the entrusted duties duly. (3) We are unaware of the rules concerning the amount you got, you should act according to the government law.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband