It is mandatory to wash face from forehead to bottom of chin and ear to ear during wudhu. But, is it mandatory (fardh)/sunnah/not required to wash the horizontal flat area starting under chin covering up to throat or beard portion if having beard?
(Fatwa: 382/315/B=1433)
Yes, it is fardh to wash the face from forehead to bottom of chin and from the lobe of one ear to another; not sunnah or mustahab. If the beard is too thick then it is enough to wash above the beard only. It is not necessary to enter water into the roots of the beard. And if the beard is thin that the skin is shown then it is fardh to wash the root of beard after washing the face.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband