Dear Mufti sahib, i have a question that my parents decided to marry me with a girl which was among our relatives. due to some reason our engagement delayed but we started talking on phone and now we are in love with each other. i am 26 and she is 29. now the situation is this that her parents refuse to marry her with me due to the love realtion we build up. as it was decided between our parents and now we cant live without each other. my parents are also forcing me to leave her but i cannot do this as we have accepted each other as husband and wife and we have a very strong bond between both of us. now the question is can i marry her without the approval of my parents because both side parents are not agreed now due to EGO problem. i also dont want to hurt my parents but its a matter of my life now and i have to make a decision. so please advice me what should i do..?? both of us are financially strong,she is a doctor and im a software engineer.
(Fatwa: 1320/1074=D/1430)
Nikah takes place if performed before two or more valid witnesses, but it is advisable to seek the consent of your parents; since anger of parents may cause you harm and minding their consent is a matter of reward. However, Nikah takes place without their consent as well as we said earlier.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband