Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I performed Tawaaf Wida and then left for Mina, and then returned to Makkah again. Did I have to do Tawaaf Wida again or would the previous one suffice?

I performed Tawaaf Wida and then left for Mina, and then returned to Makkah again. Did I have to do Tawaaf Wida again or would the previous one suffice?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I live in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia (about 1100 Km from Makkah) and I performed Hajj Ifraad this year.

I performed Tawaf Wida on 11 Dhul Hijja and returned back to Mina. The next day on 12 Dhul Hijja I performed Rami jamarat. After this I again came to Makkah before Asr prayer to get a vehicle to Tabuk (my residence). Since it was too late to get a taxi, I prayed Asr and Maghrib in the Haram. After Maghrib I got a taxi and returned back to my place of residence.

Did I have to do Tawaf Wida again when I came to the  Haram again on 12th of Dhul Hijja or was the previous one sufficient?


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Tawaaf Wida
may be performed anytime after the Tawaaf Ziyaarah. It is wajib for all types of Hajj.

Tawaaf Wida is not required for inhabitants of Haram and those residing within the boundaries of the Meeqaat.  Menustrating women are also exempt from having to perform the Tawaaf Wida.

As a resident of Tabuk, you live outside the boundary of the Meeqaat. Your were correct in performing Tawaf Wida because it was wajib on you.

Since you had already made Tawaaf Wida and then left Makkah, you would not have to do Tawaaf Wida again, even though you returned to Makkah again from Mina. Your previous Tawaaf Wida is sufficient.

Had you had performed the Tawaaf Wida again it would have been Mustahabb (desirable).1

And Allāh knows best.

Ml. Sohail Bengali
Chicago, IL (USA)

Concurred by:

Muftī Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Muftī Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)



1        Muallim ul Hujjaj, pg. 191-192, Idarat-ul-Islamiyaat

Original Source Link

This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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