N.B.: The person making Wudhu will be referred to as mutawad-dhi.
The mutawad-dhi should endeavour to face the qiblah while making Wudhu. It
is best to sit on a raised or high place when making Wudbu in order to be
out of reach of water splashing. It is far nobler and meritorious to make
Wudhu by pouring water from some container, e.g. a jug. Use of a tap in
Wudhu entails great waste of water, and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi
Wasallam) has warned against wasting water even at the river bank.
Making niyyat (intention) of Wudhu, recite (BISMILLA-HIR RAHMANIR-RAHIM). In
the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
First of all, wash both hands as far as the wrists, thrice, beginning with
the right hand.
Thereafter rinse the mouth thrice and use a Miswaak. In the absence of a
Miswaak use a coarse cloth to clean the teeth. Remember that a toothbrush is
not an adequate substitute for a Miswaak. However, since the use of a cloth
is in the Sunnah when a Miswaak is not available, it (cloth) could be
regarded as an adequate substitute. If the toothbrush is made of bristles
(pig’s hairs), its use will be haraam.
If one is not fasting then gargle as well. Thereafter apply water thrice
into the nostrils with the right hand and clean the nose with the little
finger of the left hand. If the mutawad-dhi is fasting, water should not be
drawn higher than the soft or fleshy part of the nostrils.
Wash then the entire face thrice. The limits of the face for Wudhu purpose
is from the limits of the hair at the forehead until below the chin, and
from ear to ear. Water must reach below the eyebrows as well. This is
followed by making khilaal of the beard.
The right hand, including the arm and elbow, should then be washed thrice.
Then wash the left hand in exactly the same manner.
This is followed by making masah of the whole head; masah of the ears; masah
of the nape (i.e. back of the neck); and khilaaal of the fingers of both
Thereafter wash the right foot, including the ankles, thrice; then wash the
left foot in the same way. Make khilaal of the toes.
The perfect Wudhu requires that all the Sunnat duaa be recited at the
appropriate times during Wudhu and after Wudhu.
The following is the Sunnat method of taking Ghusl. Proceed with the Ghusl,
step by step, as enumerated hereunder:
1. First wash both hands as far as the wrists. The hands should not be
dipped in the basin of water for washing. Water should either run from the
tap on to the hands or poured from a container.
2. Wash the parts of istinja (the private parts and surrounding area). This
should be washed whether there is najaasat (impurity) or not.
3. Wash the part of the body wherever there be some impurity.
4. Make a full Wudhu now. However, if Ghusl is being taken in a place where
the water pools around the feet, then delay the washing of the feet until
the end of the Ghusl.
5. After Wudhu, pour water thrice over the head.
6. Thereafter, pour water thrice over the right shoulder.
7. Then, pour water thrice over the left shoulder. The water should be
poured in such a way that the entire body is thoroughly drenched.
8. If the feet were not washed at the time of Wudhu, wash them now.
While pouring the water, rub well on the body to ensure that no spot
remains dry.
‘A Perfect Wudhu wards off rewards from you’ (Umar bin Khattab (Radhiallaahu
Kitaabut Tahaarah
Young Men’s Muslim Association