After carefull consideration and years of problems I recently gave my wife one revocable divorce (in writing) by following Quran and Sunnah. It was done in her time of purity and before having sexual relations.
Only question I have is that when I prepared the statement of divorce, I clearly and explicity mentioned that I am giving a SINGLE revocable divorce and that is also what my intention was. I live in USA and to keep a record for myself and send one to my wife, I printed two copies of the same computer generated document. I signed each one of them to make sure that I have one signed copy and she gets one signed copy. I had no intention whatsoever to issue more than one divorce as it is Bidaah and I only want to follow the Quran and the correct Sunnah. So by signing two copies (only due to record keeping purposes) will this by any means be counted as TWO divorces? I never intended this as such.
The making and signing of the two copies of the original divorce document will not constitute two more divorces. Accordinglt, the original written revocable divorce will constitute only one divorce.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai