Eating on the floor with a table few inches of the ground. I know that the sunnah manner of eating is to partake from a plate that is directly on the floor. Would it be 1. Against the sunnat to eat while sitting on the with a table raised a few inches of the ground? 2. Is eating with such a raised tabled an innovation?
This was not the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), hence, it will not be the ideal manner of eating. (al-Kawkabud-Durri vol.3 pg.4)
Sayyiduna Anas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) is reported to have stated that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) never ate food upon a Khiwaan. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith5386)
According to some Muhadditheen, the Khiwaan is something very similar to what is mentioned in your question (a table/utensil which is quite thick and is raised a few inches above the ground). This was in those days the practice of the non-Arab proud kings. (Jam?ul Wasaail)
Furthermore, Islam teaches us to place the food on the ground and not upon something that is raised because we are in need of the food. Hence, we need to bend over to it and not raise it to us. (Faydhul Baari vol.4 pg.334). However, Allaamah Munaawi has stated that if this is not done out of pride, it will be permissible. (al-Kawkabud-Durri vol.4 pg.3-4)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Moulana Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abassommar