Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Assalamalaikum, question on hadith in sahih muslim book 8 # 3472 and in Sahih Bukhari in volume 7 book 62#30 Can u please explain this hadiths? jazakallah.

Assalamalaikum, question on hadith in sahih muslim book 8 # 3472 and in Sahih Bukhari in volume 7 book 62#30 Can u please explain this hadiths? jazakallah.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

assalamalaikum, i came across a hadith in sahih muslim book 8 # 3472 that “had it not been for bani israel food had not gone stale and had it not been for Eve women would not have been unfaithful toward her husband.” could u please elaborate this hadith regarding Eve’s unfaithfullness. Also in Sahih Bukhari in volume 7 book 62#30 it says “evil omen is in 3 things, women, horse and house. ” Can u please explain this hadith? jazakallah.


The correct translation of the aforementioned Hadith of Sahih Muslim is,
‘Had it not been for Eve, women would not be a deception to their husbands.’

The learned scholars of Hadith have explained this Hadith to be a reference
to what had transpired in Jannah when Adam (Alayhis salaam) and Hawa
(Alayhas salaam) were prohibited from partaking of a certain tree therein.
However, Shaytaan (who had just taken an oath that he would mislead man)
deceived Hawa (Alayhis salaam) into eating from that very tree, and she in
turn convinced Aadam (Alayhis salaam) as well into the same. Hence, this
became the means of them both being taken out of Jannah.

As understood from this, Hadhrat Hawa (Alayhis salaam) was the means of the
mistake of Aadam (Alayhis salaam) and due to that all the women of the world
being her children, the same quality is found in them as well. (Sharh
an-Nawawiy vol.1 pg.223 and Sharh-ul-lubby vol.5 pg.180)

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Moulana Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abbassommar


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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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