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Was attacked by a jinn at night this month in Ramadhan.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I had come home after being at the mosque praying Taraweeh. I remember asking Allah to help me get the best out of Ramadhan because in the past I had always had weak Ramadhans because of somthing or other. In the night I felt the steps of the jinn walking up to my face & it just shook me a lot. I tried to say Allahu akbar & the Kalimat but it was as if it tried to hold my tongue. I felt as if it had made me swallow something as my stomach felt unsettled after. When I managed to blurt out the Kalimat it went. this has left me very confused about Ramadhan although it hasnt made me weaker. i thought the evil jinns were all locked up in this month so why did this happen when I had been in Taraweeh trying to do good deeds begging Allahs forgiveness. I would like to know if this is something that has happened to people before. Please note that this has happened to me since I was 4yrs old.I am the only muslim in my family & although I dont talk to my mother she is known to deal in Black Magic & has pictures of me. I have a jinn come to me perhaps 6 times a year & it just holds me down which makes it hard to breathe & then leaves after a few seconds. Can i recite anything to permanently get rid of the jinns? I recite Ayatul Kursi everynight the 3 Quls & the last 2 Ayahs of Surah Baqarah every 3 nights. The jinns & evil shayateen run from a house where the Quraan is recited, does this apply to playing a CD too? Shukran for your time Ya Sheikh.


According to one explanation, only the big Shaytaans are chained during
Ramadaan. It is possible, that the small Shaytaans cause the mischief. We
advise you to recite the Manzil, a book prepared by Shaykal Hadith, Mohammed
Zakariya Khandalui. It has verses of the Quraan and duas, which are
effective in repelling the Shaytaan. The duas should also be recited
personally not only played by C.D.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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