assalaamu alaikum mufti saheb, 1) i would like to know why some classical tafseers are preferred over others , ie what is the criteria for rating the tafseers? for example how would you rate these less well known tafseers- baydaawi, tafseer al kabeer, ruhul ma’ani ? where can i find information on qadi al baydaawi? 2) who was hazrat dhul kifl?
1. At the outset, one should understand that every Tafseer that is in
accordance to Shari’ah and in accordance to the Ahaadith, narrations of the
Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum), and the pious predecessors is acceptable to
us. However, the criteria for giving preference to one over the other is:
a. The manner of presentation of a certain Mufassir in comparison to the
b. The inclination of the reader of that particular Tafseer that a certain
Mufassir would make Tafseer, for example, predominantly with the laws of
Nahw and Sarf towards which the reader is inclined to as in the case of
Tafseer of Imaam Raazi (RA). This is in the same vein as to one’s Ustaadhs
(teacher) that a student, for example, prefer a certain Ustaadh over the
other which is not something that is in conflict with the Shari’ah. However,
Adab, respect and honour should be upheld for each Mufassir or teacher, etc.
Besides the above two reasons, there could be other reasons as well and this
all depends on the reader. To get more information on Tafseer, etc. we
recommend that you study ‘Uloomul Qur’aan’ by Mufti M Taqi Usmani Saheb of
c. Kindly refer to Zafar al-Muhassileen by Mawlana Muhammad Haneef.
d. You may also refer to Ma’aariful Qur’aan by Mawlana Mufti Muhammad Shafi,
the sixth volume pg.217; printed by Idaaratul Ma’aarif.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai