Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » What ways can a muslim take another muslims good deeds? why is this?because someone said that if a muslim is wrong then another muslim has a right to take his good deeds?

What ways can a muslim take another muslims good deeds? why is this?because someone said that if a muslim is wrong then another muslim has a right to take his good deeds?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

what ways can a muslim take another muslims good deeds? why is this? because someone said that if a muslim is wrong then another muslim has a right to take his good deeds? why is this, it makes islam look like a competition to see who can do more deeds and who can steel deeds of one and other. same guy also told me to do masah, on my socks instead of washing my feet, he is salafi i am not is this permissible? also in some cases can i read asir during the shafi during the winter because in UK the earliest is 2:01 and i checked shafi and theres is at 1.30ish, but at the same time i read jumah salat in a hanafi mosque at 1.30 would it clash? is this permissible? also is this statement correct, “if a muslim misses salah, another muslim has a right to kill him”, if its true then this shows islam is not about peace, but its about violent, but using these statements to make non muslim convert..more like its going to scare them and make them move away from islam the newly convert also told me that missing a salah is same as killing, true or false? on a forum someone said that there is a hadith that if one prays for other he will not become anywhere near Jannah, is there such a hadith? AND although he is practicing, he also has a girlfriend, i explained even talking to girls he isnt taking any notice, because he talks to girls in hijab, pakistani girls, indian, white, chinese, black and others what does islam say about sociolising?


1. If a person has wronged another, then the oppressed will be recompensed for it in the hereafter. The only means of recompense in the hereafter is good deeds, thus, he will take some good deeds of the oppressor. If the oppressor does not have sufficient good deeds, then the bad deeds of the oppressed will be put into the account of the oppressor. Instead of showing Islam to be a competition, it shows the justice of Islam. In addition to focusing on fulfilling the rights of Allah, Islam also emphasises on fulfilling the rights of others to such an extent that if one has performed many acts of worship, but has oppressed others, he will have to pay for it with his good deeds. This will ensure that people fulfil the rights of all equally.

2. It is not permissible to make Masah on the normal socks worn today.

3. It is best to read Asr during the ?Hanafi? time. If out of some necessity or because all the Musjids in the area perform Salaat at Shaafi?ee time, then one could perform Salat at the ?Shaafi?ee? time.

4. Just by a Muslim not performing Salaat, none has the right to kill him. Yes, in an Islamic state, if a person refuses to perform Salaat, then according to some Imaams, the ruler should have him imprisoned for three days and advise him to start performing Salat. If he refuses, then he should be executed. According to the Hanafi Madhab, this will only be if he rejects Salaat being necessary. This is inly for the ruler. No other person has the right to carry out any punishments of this sort.

5. Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] has mentioned, ?The one who performs Salaat for show has made Shirk (ascribed a partner to Allah).? (Haakim vol.4 pg.329). What is meant is that he has, by performing Salaat to someone else, given this person a position similar to that of Allah. However, the scholars mention that one will not be classified as a Kaafir for this.

6. It is not permissible to socialise with Ghayr Mahram females.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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