I have a few questions please answer all these questions; 1.I try to read the last few verses of surah Hashr in the morning and in the evening, but when is the morning and the evening,ie is morning before asr and evening after asr? 2.Is the hadith dua read in the sitting position during prayer valid instead of dua e kanout in witr? 3.Also I follow hanafi madhab if I remove my hand from prayer position during the whole of one rakaat is my prayer broken or is this solely concerning the standing in qiraat position? 4.Is reading the last verse of surah taubah 7times in morn/evening a weak hadith also what is the virtue of this deed?
1. The most preferable time is to do those Azkaar before sunrise. This is substantiated by the Ahadith of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Sahl ibn Sa?ad (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, that ?I may perform the Subh (Fajr) then remain sitting and remembering Allah Ta’ala until the sun rises is more beloved to me than I load upon the best horses in the path of Allah until sunrise?. (Majmauz-zawaid part3 pg.403) Therefore, one should recite those Azkaar before sunrise. However, due to circumstances one may even recite it after this time. The evenly Azkaar maybe recited from after Asr Salaat. This is also derived from the Ahaadith of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), ?? and that I make Dhikr from Asr Salaat till sunset is more beloved to me than freeing so many slaves of children of Ismail?? (Hayaatus-sahaaba part3 pg.404). However, here also one may recite even after this time.
2. There are 2 different Du’aas: The Qunoot of Witr is Waajib and the Du’aa of sitting position, i.e. Tashahhud, is a separate Waajib. 3. The folding of hands is only a Sunnah action at the time of standing (Qiyaam) during Qiraat. In the similar manner, the placing of hands in the different postures is also a Sunnat which if omitted will not nullify one Salaat. However, one should always ensure that he is discharging his Salaat strictly in accordance to the Sunnah in all postures. 4. Abu Darda (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ?Whosoever says in the morning and evening, ?Hasbiyallaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil adheem? seven times, Allah will suffice him against all his worries.? (Ibn Katheer part2 pg.490)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai