Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah
Mufti sahib, alhumdulillah we are expecting a baby girl. Me and my wife really like the name Hanfa, (name of the wife of Hazrat Ismail Alyhissalam). Can you please let us know the meanings, origin and correct pronunciation of this name?
JazakaAllahu Khaira
Walaikumassalam Warahmatullah
الجواب وباللہ التوفیق
In the history and seerah books, there are many different mentions about the name of Hazrat Ismaeel Alyhissalam’s wife, one of which is Hanfah, which you have inquired about in your question. This word means a foot which is bent, bow, shaving blade, chamalion etc. In addition to this name, some of the other names mentioned in these books are:
(1) Ra‘lah
(2) Syedah (al-Mufassil fi-Tareekh al-Arab, Pg.85, Vol.2)
(3) Jiddah
(4) Samah
(5) Atikah
(6) Halah
(7) Hanfah
(8) Najadah
Hafiz Ibn al-Hajr Rehmatullah Aleh has given preference to the name Ra‘lah. Majority of the historians have mentioned this as her name with the following meanings:
1- Forerunner
2- Female Ostrich
3- Family or a large family or people under training
4- The small skin of a four legged animal’s ear which has been split and hung back
5- A tall date palm (tree)
6- A type of plant whose fruit is of the shape of brinjal and has thorny texture
If the word is pronounced as Ru’lah then its meanings become:
1- The sprouting bud of the grape vine (vine – angoor kee bail)
2- A crown of flowers worn on one’s head
It should be noted that all of the above details are historical in nature some of which are mentioned in the tails of Israelites. They cannot be confirmed or denied. Such lineage is not required and cannot be trusted.
حديث بن عباس في تزوج إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بالمرأتين من جرهم واحدة بعد أخرى أما الأولى فقال المسعودي في مروج الذهب هي الجداء بنت سعد وأما الثانية فحكى بن سعد عن بن إسحاق أنها رعلة بنت مضاض بن عمرو وقال هشام بن الكلبي هي رعلة بنت يشجب بن يعرب بن لوذان بن جرهم وقال المسعودي هي سامة بنت مهلهل بن سعد بن عوف وقال الدارقطني اسمها السيدة وقال السهيلي قيل اسمها عاتكة وقال الشريف الحراني هي هالة بنت الحارث بن مضاض ويقال سلمى ويقال الحنفاء قلت والنفس إلى ما قال بن الكلبي أميل(فتح الباری:۱/۲۹۶۔عمدۃ القاری:۲۳/۲۳۸)
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