Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Plz tell me some dua so that Allah save me from all these bad effects in my life and listen to my prayers and grant me with HIS blessing.

Plz tell me some dua so that Allah save me from all these bad effects in my life and listen to my prayers and grant me with HIS blessing.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Asslam-u-alaikum, 1.I have write my some of life tragedies in other question but could’t complete because of word count limit like Q 10919,10899,10907.I am 32 year old girl and have black magic effect and marriage problem.Some years before i was going to marry a boy but at the end we refuse as they were not good people so they started black magic on me.Some pious person have removed that effect for all 9 attacks. One of my problem is if after too much prayers some proposal will come or any other good proceeding will happen in my life and if I’ll tell any any body about this proceeding, it will just stop on the same day.Plz tell me some dua to solve my this problem too. 2. We were living in Gov residence but my father is retired(teacher) now and we have to move to our own home, we don’t have much money to construct that and there is no source from where we can get money, I had very good job but I Lost that(I?hv worte that in my Q#10919). My brother has to study more yet also he could?nt get any job.My father is ill(I wrote in Q 10899)he had a contract that needs to be renew for next year but some jealous people are trying to convince the vice-chancellor not to renew the contract also he cant work anywhere else because he is not in good health.Please tell us some dua and pray for us. 3.I was so so regular in prayering and reciting some quran but after black magic I m always missing my fajar prayers, plz tell me some dua to continue my routine.Jazakallah.


We deeply sympathise with your plight. May Allah grant you and your
family afiyah. Ameen

At the outset, you should understand that this world is a world of cause
and effect. Allah has created us and wishes good for everyone. For the
very reason He has granted us the gift of Imaan.

We belive that Allah has written our Taqdeer (faith) and what He has
destined for us is in fact best for us. Allah says in the Quraan
“perhaps you may like something but that in fact is bad for you, and
perhaps you dislike something but that is better for you.

We understand the difficulty you are undergoing. We as Muslims believe
in Allah and His power and might. Exercise patience for Allah is with
the patient ones. Continue making dua and a suitable partner will come
at the correct time. Recite Ayah Number 29 of Surah 23 after every

Secondly, Allah is our Sole Provider. He created different avenues in
order for us to get our sustenance. If one avenue is closed, certainly
another is opened. The vice chancellor is also the creation of Allah and
also depends on the sustenance provided by him. Rather turn your gaze to
the source of every ones sustenance that is Allah. Turn to Allah and
supplicate your difficulty to him. Surely Allah answers the prayer of
those who are in difficulty. It is essential to note that you should
advise your family to become more Deeni conscience. That is they should
increase in their Salaah, Zikr and recitation of the Quraan. These are
the means to invoke the mercy and pleasure of Allah whereby He shall
shower you with his blessings and bounties.

In conclusion, you should not consider the bad to be effects of black
magic. We suggest you put that ideology aside and concentrate on the way
forward to improve your life. Become focussed on your future rather than
being bogged down in issues of the past. Allah has given you great
strength and courage, use it to go forward and progress. Approach life
positively as this will assist you in reviving your sprits. Make it a
must to wake up for Tahajud Salaah and cry to Allah your needs.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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