Recently we have been congregating more at my mother-in-law than at our own home.I feel that my husband is putting the needs of his mother above mine and our family. What duties or rights do I have as his wife and mother to his daughter, over his mother. I am bothered about this as we as a family hardly have time bonding on our own.Please advise me. Shukran.
At the outset, it must be pointed out that in family matters and in particular, in-law related issues, due to the close relationship, a trivial
matter could be emotional and travel beyond one’s reach. Therefore, patience, wisdom and diplomacy are the most efficient vehicles of attaining one’s aims and objectives.
We advise that you also embrace an opportune moment and very politely discuss the matter with your husband. If there is a possibility of negative
consequences in doing so, you should exercise restraint or else you may be compelled to do so with a greater difficulty.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai