i needs your help. recently i came across a book called the destraction of television. and some of the stories in there really scared me. one was that of a girl who was buried with the t.v in her grave and it said only Allah knows what kind of punishment would she have had in the grave. and from then on i didnt watch t.v or any movies. its been 2 months now. instead i like to read fiction books on romance or muder or mystery stories. i dont know if i should read the books or not. but it does on interfree with my prayers or my quraan reading. my family still watches movies sometimes and i can tempted but i always remember the girl who was buried with the t.v.
please tell me wat i can do, and if im doing the write thing by reading fiction books…?
Jazakallah for writing to the institute. You may find a similar question which I answered on this website some time ago.
It is pleasing to note that you have given up viewing t.v and also reading magazines which do not add to the value of your life in this world nor the hereafter. We so easily fall into the trap with material which presents itself as “information”, “health”, “entertainment” etc but it really is not beneficial due to its contents and life style which is contrary to Islam..
As Muslims we need to be pro-active and careful at the same time. Think about the latest debacle regarding the so called cartoons which thrash and continue to thrash Islam and our beloved Nabi (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam). Don’t you think that as a group we failed to take advantage and use this huge opportunity to make dawaah and spread the deen of Allah Ta’ala?
You may wonder what this has to do with your question.
Look at it this way sister. If every Muslim sits down daily to learn one hadith and one ayah of the Quran and then practices on them, will this not be beneficial to all of mankind besides the person who is practicing and learning? Just as you have realized that there is no good in wasting time watching television, you will find that there are great benefits in learning more about what it is to be a Muslim. Many people reacted with anger and destroyed buildings, damaged vehicles and attacked innocent people when they heard about the cartoons. Instead, if they had enough knowledge of how our Nabi(sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) reacted towards those who stoned him, threw animal entrails on him whilst he was praying in the Haram and who caused him much difficulties, they would have responded in following his examples with the best of manner.
Sister, try to use your limited and precious time on earth to learn as much as you can about what an honor Allah Ta’ala has placed on you as a woman.
You will have to make great contributions towards your children’s upbringing, running a home and making your marriage what Allah Ta’ala intended it to be. At the same time you can make great contributions towards teaching those in your community who do not have the opportunities you may have. By passing on your knowledge about deeni activities and Islam, you will benefit in this world and the hereafter. Your time is probably taken up studying at the moment. So in your spare time or recreation time, it may be useful to read books which will help you gain more insight into your environment and activities which are relevant to your daily living. Books on murder, romance, cheating, stealing, lies, gambling etc? Do you think these books can help you to beneficially increase your knowledge?
One should make dua that Allah Ta’ala grants one knowledge which will be of benefit to one in this world and the hereafter. Please invite your family with love and affection to join you and to abandon the T.V.May Allah Ta’ala guide and protect you, ameen.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Sister fadila
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CHECKED & APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai