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Can i join the coeducational college.if i can study in coed then who should i live there.also who should i treat my teacher(female

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1)there is no college for men in my state to pursue enginnering .so can i join the coeducational college.if i can study in coed then who should i live there.also who should i treat my teacher(female).can i see her while she teaches


The religion of Islam is a perfect and complete religion. It takes care of every aspect of our lives. Islam encourages its followers to progress in both the spiritual as well as the worldly fields. It is compulsory upon every male/female to obtain that amount of ‘Deeni’ knowledge whereby he/she can differentiate between Halaal and Haraam and he/she can fulfil the commandments of Allah in the manner shown to us by Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]. This should be one’s first priority.

After obtaining the necessary ‘Deeni’ knowledge, one may pursue ‘worldly’ knowledge as long as it falls within the parameters of the Shari’ah. The laws of the Shari’ah cannot be compromised with at anytime whatsoever. An ideal method of studying is through correspondence, as this is generally Shari’ah compliant. If there are no correspondence courses in the respective field that one wishes to pursue, one may choose another field of one’s interest, that offers the course via correspondence. If this is not possible, then as a last resort one may attend the college as long as the following conditions are upheld:

1. Avoiding intermingling of sexes;

2. Protecting one’s gazes;

3. Salaat should be performed in its time.

If these conditions cannot be strictly upheld, one may not attend such institutions.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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