I would like to know the islamic position regarding the use of rat poison.
The way this works is that after the mouse has consumed enough of the poison, it begins to slowly bleed to death internally. This causes a very long and very painful death, resulting in hours of suffering. As the ummah of Muhammad (SAW) Rahmatul Alamin, Mercy to all creatures, should muslims resort to such a barbaric and inhumane way of killing pests? Surely this goes against the spirit of mercy that the Prophet (SAW) taught us? Should muslims not use humane methods first (such as ultrasonic detterents, aromatic repellents, traps that capture but do not injure the mouse), and then if necessary to kill them, then use such methods as kill the mice instantly (such traps are easily available in shops)? Are those who cause unnecessary harm to these creatures – who are just trying to survive like the rest of us- guilty of any sin, or commiting a makruh act etc? Its very distressing to me that muslims can use such a cruel way to kill pests
As salamu alaikum, and jazakallah khair
It is not appropriate to use rat poison as that causes unnecessary pain to rats and mice. Instead, instant methods of killing should be used.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai