please explain that when any person repents from his past sins. ALLAH TALA bless him in the same way as before.?
moreover, in what sequence you reply the questions …i mean in what order ??
Allah mentioned in the Qur’aan, ‘Hasten to the forgiveness of your Rabb and Jannah.’ After this, Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] has given us glad tiding for the person who repents, ‘The one who repents from his sins is like one who doesn’t have any sins.’
The merits of seeking forgiveness of one’s sins are numerous, amongst these is that a person who repents over his sins, adopts the quality of Taqwa. Allah will then sustain him from avenues which he never could have imagined and will make a way out for him from his problems. Thus, Allah will bless him even more compared to before. Make it your daily practice to seek forgiveness for your sins after every Fardh Salaat.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai