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She left me without consent, is she entitled to mehr ?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org
Does she have rights over the Haq-Mehr money inspite the fact she left me without my consent and never comeback and declaring the marriage a fraud.
Dear Mufti Sb
I would like to ask a question regarding Haq-Mahr. I was married in Jan 2001 and the haq mehr was Rs. 50,000/= which was paid by me to my wife on the wedding night. My wife ask me to keep this money for safetly.After a year  a boy was born but during this one year there were many problems in this marriage and my wife and her parents ask lot of times for Talaq. When my boy was only four months my wife left my house along with my boy with out my consent. After 20 days i went to her home and again she insisted that she will never come back to my home.
This situation of seperation remain for 16 months during this period she never directly contacted me. Her parents tried to contact us indirectly putting conditions of seperate living which was not acceptable to me.
After 16 months she filed a case in the court of Nazim that i have fradulently married to her due to caste difference. My family before marriage clearly told her family that we are not doing this marriage on caste basis. After filing this case i gave her written Talaq. Now my question is
Does she have rights over the Haq-Mehr money inspite the fact she left me without my consent and never comeback and declaring the marriage a fraud.
Amir Mehmood