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My Wife is pregnant, is She allowed to pray sitting.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

My wife had a miscarriage last year this was first time she got pregnant. We are married for almost 3 1/2 years. After lot of dua, she is pregnant again and 4 1/2 months in her pregnancy. During the initial period she had spotting (blood spots) and she was taking complete rest, even praying while sleeping. Once she tried to pray while sitting during the initial part of 2nd month and after prayer she had spotting, so she started to pray in sleeping position. During the last 2 months she didnt had any spotting, but because of fear of miscarriage she continued to pray in sleeping position. Not only for the prayers, even for other things she was not taking any chances, not picking up things from floor and kept away from cooking completely, taking rest most of time. We had an appointment with doctor 3 weeks back and after checking the doctor said everything looks fine now and she told my wife that there is no restriction on her . But my wife is still afraid, she says that she will give birth only if Allah wills, but she doesnt want to take any chances. Now she has started to pray sitting on the chair. I have been asking her to pray normally, but she says it will take time. She says she has not forgotten yet the trauma . She is telling that she will pray normally in future, but does not want to commit on dates. Pl advise on what should I do.


She is still traumatised by the first miscarriage. This is why her anxiety is of this degree in this pregnancy. If she fears another miscarriage, she is allowed to perform her Salaat whilst seated. However, if there is no such fear, she should stand whilst performing Salat.

We suggest you leave it to her discretion to decide on how to perform her Salaat. Your responsibility is merely to advise her with affectionate persuasion.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa

CHECKED & APPROVED: Ml. Imraan Vawda

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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