(2) Is it permissible during ghusl to wash the hands and private parts seperately from the rest of the ghusl procedure? (3) This last question may be a bit lengthy for you: can you tell me the procedure for performing Ghusl from water flowing from a (3i) movable and flexible pipe (3ii) falling from a fixed shower. The last problem has brought to me the most troubles.
1. It is true that even if a hair’s breadth of space remains dry, the Wudhu
or Ghusl will be invalid. However, if one takes precaution in washing by
rubbing the limbs and body after pouring the water, it is certain that the
water will cover every portion of the body.
2. In Ghusl, the hands are washed first and thereafter the private parts. If
one wishes to wash the hands and private parts separately thereafter, he/she
may do so.
3. The Mustahabb procedure is to pour the right and thereafter on the left.
That is possible by using a flexible pipe. In a fixed shower, the right side
of the body should be directed to the shower and thereafter the left side of
the body so that the right side gets washed before the left side.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai