Assalamualakum, respected Mufti. I have several questions: 1.) Is it permissible to consume sythetic alcohol as by eating it? I wish to take an Erythromycin antibiotic orally that contains sythetic alcohol, is it permissible? 2.)I reside in the United States; here, a company called IFANCA certifies Halal products. Would it be permissible if I consumed these products without investigating its ingredients and packaging by calling the manufacturer? 3.) I stopped using a toothpaste that is made in New York, USA by a company called “Unique” (you can view and/or order the product at: ). It has halal written on the package and that it contains no animal ingredients nor alcohol. However, I am doubtful about the product and feel that I should contact the manufacturer addressing my concerns, but I do this for every product I use and food I consume whether or not it was manufactured by a Muslim company. Am I permitted to use the toothpaste because the company (I believe the company is Muslim) says that the product is halal? .:Jazakhallah Khairun, for you time and effort Mufti Ebrahim Desai and staff:.
1. It will be permissible to consume medicine containing synthetic alcohol if it was prescribed by a professional, experienced Muslim doctor in the case of their being no other Halaal medicine to replace it. (Raddul Muhtaar, Vol. 1, Page 154 and Vol. 5, Page 275)
2. If the company (IFANCA) is administered by learned, righteous and honest Muslims, then it will be permissible to consume products certified by them.
3. The answer to this question is similar to the above. If the company is administered by learned, righteous and honest Muslims, then it will be permissible to use their products. However, if you feel that you should contact the manufacturer due to your doubtfulness, it will be better if you do so for precautions sake.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf