I want to learn about the ansar and madinah. I follow the hanafi madhab but I think that madinah would be a good place for me to learn. Does darul ifta know any alims or muftis in madinah that I can contact? Is the ulama in madinah reliable when it comes to quran and sunnah? Could you tell me what tribe most of the ansar belonged to ? What happened in the battle of uhud and were can I find out more information about the fazail e madinah. Where can I find fadail e shaams in English?
The Ansaar consisted of 2 main tribes; i.e. the Aws and Khazraj. They were originally from Yemen.
As for the virtues and sanctity of Madinah, refer to the relevant chapter in the English version of Sahih Bukhari. You may also refer to the book of Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Zakariyyah Kandhlawui Saheb ?Virtues of Hajj.?
We do not know of an English version of any of the books on Fadhaail-e-Shaam (virtues of Shaam).
We offer no comment regarding the authority of the general Ulama of Madinah in the present age. Understand that a general verdict/comment regarding them is difficult. Each one should be viewed individually.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Moulana Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abassommar