Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Reciting Sura Fatiha behind the imam(ref Qs 6564), confused … e) Since all Imam and their followers are correct then why there is contradiction in reading Surat Fatiha behind Imam?

Reciting Sura Fatiha behind the imam(ref Qs 6564), confused … e) Since all Imam and their followers are correct then why there is contradiction in reading Surat Fatiha behind Imam?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

a) Whether we read in low voice or in heart (not qiraat) Sura Fatiha behind the imam in laud or soft Qiraat Salat or not? I have been in practice from childhood that I do not read Sura Fatiha and any other sura while standing behind Imam in every salat (Soft / Loud Qirat). b) According to last Hadith in your answer that Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Don’t do this except with Surah Faatiha, because there is no Salaat for that person who didn’t read Surah Faatiha.’ Will we read Sura Fatiha behind Imam or not? c) What was the practice of sahabah? d) I am Hanfi and according to the Hanafi Madhab, to read any Surah behind the Imaam is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi. A person will be liable for sin if he has to read any Surah behind the Imam. I read that Imam Hanifa said that If you have any Hadith in any matter then side away my saying and obey saying of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). In your answer you give hadiths about not reading of Sura and about reading of Sura behind Imam then what will we do? e) Since all Imam and their followers are correct then why there is contradiction in reading Surat Fatiha behind Imam? According to the Hanafi Madhab, a person will be liable for sin if he has to read any surah behind the Imaam and according to Malki madhab it is necessary to recite sura behind the imam in jamat.


According to the Hanafi Madhab, it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to read anything behind the Imaam in the standing posture in every Salaat.

We have given the substantiations for that. The last Hadith in our answer was quoted in the context of Imaam Maaliki’s Madhab. According to Imaam Abu Hanifa, that Hadith refers to the Imaam or as a person who performs Salaat individually. This interpretation will reconcile the different apparent inconsistencies in the different Ahaadith. If you are a Hanafi, it is Waajib for you to strictly adhere to the Hanafi Madhab.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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