Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Is ghusl for a newborn baby the same as for an adult?Apart from Azan & Iqamah immediately after birth…child born in a hospital is taken away by the nurses to be cleaned or washed

Is ghusl for a newborn baby the same as for an adult?Apart from Azan & Iqamah immediately after birth…child born in a hospital is taken away by the nurses to be cleaned or washed

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Ive read that the newborn should be given ghusl and then azaan and iqamah made. Is this the same ghusl that an adult takes when in the state of Janabat or on Fridays. A child that is born in a hospital is taken away by the nurses to be cleaned or washed. These nurses are non-muslim and dont know the fardh of ghusl. Should the father or someone else accompany the baby and make sure proper ghusl is given. Should the azaan and iqama be made before the nurses take the baby away for cleaning or after in this case. I read somewhere a long time ago (and cannot recall where) that after a baby is born a specific Sura can be read so that insha allah the child will be intelligent. What Sura is this? I have a book that specifies a number of duas to be read after birth but none of them are specifically for intelligence. I’ve heard there is a specific Surah to be read for intelligence, which sura is this?


Basically, the baby should be cleansed of all impurity on the body, like
blood, mucus, etc.

The Fardh Ghusl is not necessary. In fact, it would be problematic to carry
out the Faraaidh of Ghusl. The Adhaan and Iqaamat should be carried out
after the baby is washed. However, since nowadays the nurses take the baby
away for an extended period of time and the Shari’ah calls that the words of
Allah be the first thing the child hears, my humble opinion is that the
Adhaan and Iqaamat be called out immediately after the child is born even
before cleansing it.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa


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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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