Is ok to ask ALLAH to remove all want from your heart, and replace it with only what Allah other words, praying ‘Ya Allah let me only desire ans wish for because this is what you have wished for me, and not out of my own decisions and foolishness.’ – is that a wise and good way to ask ALLAH -Is it ok for marriage for Rizq, and for general – or is there a more appropriate dua that was taught to us?? -Allah make me maaf if wrong for asking !
Yes, it is permissible for one to supplicate to Allah whatever he/she
wishes. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘The Du’aa of a servant is
accepted until he/she supplicates for a sin or for the cutting off any
family ties.’ (Mishkaat pg.194; Qadeemi)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai