I am 20 years old muslimah, and I chose to marry this Muslim man who is very pious. He has proposed to me yet my parents rejected him, disliking the fact that he is a strict Muslim.I know the prophet (pbuh)has said that “A marriage without the consent of parents is invalid!” I would like to know if this is also applied to my case where my parents care more about looks, money, education (which he has on an average level) rather than religion and personality. Will the marriage/nikah be haraam if I marry without my parents consent?
According to the Hanafi Madhab, an adult female does not require the consent
of her guardian to marry. However, we advise you that marriage is a big step
in life and you should exercise precaution in committing to marriage by
making Istikhaara (seeking divine guidance) and making Mashwara (seek advise
from your seniors).
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai