In some cities of USA, the actual Zuhar starting time is say at 1:30 pm, however, in some mosques the Juma Azan is called at 1:15 pm and the Khateeb starts the khutba and the actual salaat is done at 1:45 p.m. Is it OK to make juma salaat in these masaajid when other places are available. Is this allowed in any Madhhab to pray Juma before its proper time. One Imam says it is allowed in Hanbali Madhhab. What is the validity of Juma Salaat when the whole Juma Khutba is given in a English language, although during the Khutba some verses of Quran and duas are recited in Arabic? Your answers are very much valuable for lots of brothers. May Allah reward you.
1. According to the majority reliable Madhaahib, Jummu’ah time commences
after Zawaal (midday). That is also the time for the Adhaan and Khutbah for
Jummu’ah. However, the validity of the Jummu’ah Salaat is independent of the
Adhaan and Khutbah. If the Salaat was performed after midday, it will be
valid. Kindly refer attached
2. According to the Hanafi Madhab, since the condition for the validity of
the Friday Khutbah is to recite some verses of the Qur’aan and glorify Allah
in Arabic, if other parts of the Khutbah are in English, it will be valid.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai