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Is it a sunnah or bidah to shake hands, after the completion of fardh salaat?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Respected Mufti Sahaab: As-Salaam-O-Alaykum. In our community it is a common practice of mainly arabic speaking musaalee’s, to shake hands upon the completion of FARAAD salaat. Many of the folks from the sub-continent have adopted this practice, mainly due to subtule influence(s) of these individuals. A short while ago, I read either in a book or at a web-site, that this paratice is an innovation(BIDAAH) in DEEN, but can’t seem to locate the article any more. Would appreciate your explanation regarding this matter in light of the four schools of thought. Jazaa-Allah-O-Khairan. Wa-As-Salaam-O-Alaykum. Regards, Syed Abdul-Wajid


Allamah Shaami (RA) states, ‘To practise Musafaha after discharging Salaat
is Makrooh (detestable) in all conditions since the Sahaaba (companions) had
not engaged in this practice after Salaat and also due to this being a
custom of the Rawaafidh (Shi’ah). Furthermore, it is narrated from Allaamah
ibn Hajr (RA) of the Shaaf’ee Madhab that this is a detestable Bid’at
(innovation) without basis in the Shari’ah. Musafahah in the Shari’ah is
only when a Muslim meets his (Muslim) brother. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah, vol.1
pg.231; Mahmoodiyah)

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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