Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria (Page 5)

Answers indexed from: Jamia Binoria

Can a government employee rent out part of their government house? Can part of a government house be rented out?

Is it permissible to hire others to do homework or download pirated research papers?

Is income from a barber shop with bathing facilities lawful under Shari’ah?

Can a young female kiss a young female’s lips as an act of affection?

Is it permissible to eat food provided in college programs held for guests and teachers?

What do Islamic teachings say about interpreting dreams of a deceased person?

Can a month without intercourse cause divorce? How often is intercourse required in Islam?

Can a male child be named “محمد حرم”?

What to do with discarded sacred pages?

Is it permissible in Islamic law for the groom’s family to make a list of gifts to be received by the bride’s family and to force them to comply with the list?

What should a person do if they’re praying Sunnah/Nafl when congregational prayer begins?

Do neighbors have the right to Shuf’ah if someone makes a Wafq of their house?

Do I have to pay the remaining Zakat immediately or can I pay it next year?

Is a father’s Zakat considered valid if he gives it to the Zakat and Sadaqa fund of a Madrasa where his Baligh son eats for free?

Is it permissible for the husband to stay outside the house at night while the wife is there?