الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
Students must complete their homework or any assignments given to them by the institute they study in on their own. Seeking this type of assistance for writing or preparing one’s assignment is against the law. Having someone else prepare ones school work or assignments is indeed disloyalty and deception (to the institute in which one studies) and it is also detrimental to one’s ability to learn, hence it is not permissible as per Shari’ah. Such students must increase their proficiency in learning and prevent others from falling into falling into such deception by completing his assignments on his own. Furthermore, those who are paid to fulfill these assignments are equally involved in this wrong and their earning is also not devoid of disapproval (from the Shari’ah). This is why one should avoid this type of transactions.
As for the research papers that are provided on websites, there is generally no explicit or inexplicit permission to download and study/read them. In fact, only those who have paid for them can download and study/read them. Therefore it is not permissible for one to obtain these research papers through any alternative method, which should be avoided.
And Allah knows best.