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Answers indexed from: Fatwa.ca

Doubting in Dua

Monetary Penalty for delayed rental. How do I circumvent this?

Paranoia symptoms in Ederly mother

One controllably smiles in a mockingly way when hears about the deen, is this from him?

What is the ruling on listening to profanity and blasphemous statements?

Is it shirk to ask questions or watch lectures regarding replenishing iman?

How do you do general Tawbah?

Wife’s rights to ownership of property after divorce

How will I distribute my inheritance if every relative passes away?

Strict Zakat Policy of not revealing zakat recipients to wife

Wife Refusing to Live with Husband’s Parents

Boycotting of Chinese Goods based on Islamic Reasons

My son is going too far with Islam! Please guide.

Ruling for praying Isha’ right after Maghrib.

1) Zakat on current & Saving Account. 2) Disposing interest from saving account.