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Interpretation Of Dream

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Respected Brother

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Please can you interpret the following dream which I had 3-4 times with a slight difference every time. The first time I dreamt that my front teeth were loose and fell off, I managed to put them back though I was having a hard time keeping them in. The second time, it was my molars which fell off, at first I was trying to put them back, but afterward seeing that it was hollow completely, I felt that it would be in vain, therefore I just left them. The next time, I again felt my teeth were going to fall off, so I was trying to hold them firm to prevent them from falling , but in doing so, two pieces got broken and fell on my hand. The reason for my asking this interpretation is that I feel that Allah is trying to tell me something through this as my present condition is that I want to become His and leave the Islamic Institution where I am teaching Deen due to the innumerable amount of un-Islamic occurrences there. I wonder if it has any relation with that Jazakumullahu Ahsanal Jazaa fid Daarain





Your dream indicates that you have a weak connection with the Islamic institution that you are involved with, and your inner passion is not helping you in any way to maintain this connection.

Our advice to you will be this, that you shouldn’t break ties with this institution, and the worldly benefits that you see shouldn’t be given any attention, that which has been pre-ordained for you, you will surly receive it. In order to strengthen your Imaani and Islamic passion, you should try to attend Islamic gatherings. Spend some time with the Tableegh Jamaat. Read about the sacrifices of the Sahaabah and Sahaabiyat, as well as the sacrifices of those Ulama who strived in uplifting Islam. May Allah grant us all the Imaan and ability to serve Islam with sincerity.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



26 April 2006

26 Rabee’ul Awwal 1427

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