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When is it permissible for a fasting person to omit fasting in Ramadan due to traveling?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

When is it permissible for a fasting person to omit fasting in Ramadan due to traveling?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is permissible for one to omit fasting in Ramadan when he is traveling far, and they have measured that at 81 km or more. If he will not travel that far, it is not permissible for him to omit fasting.

It is a condition according to our imams, actually according to the vast majority (jumhur) of scholars, that the travel begin before dawn, such that he travel beyond the buildings of his village or town, before dawn. If dawn enters upon him, and he is still within buildings of his town, it is not permissible for him to omit the fast.

A Dispensation

The Hanbalis have stated that it is permissible to omit fasting if one leaves after dawn, but it is better for him to fast, as mentioned in Al-Ansaf, and other Hanbali words.

The two imams al-Muzani (who is from our Shafi`i imams) and Ishaq ibn Rahawayh, also chose that it is permissible. This is also a weak narration [from Imam Shafi`i] in our school, that is stated by scholars other than al-Muzni, as Imam al-Nawawi mentioned in the Majmu`. Thus, whoever wishes to imitate them may do so, and Allah knows best.

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال : متى يباح للصائم الفطر في نهار رمضان بسبب السفر ؟ الجواب : يباح للصائم الفطر في نهار رمضان في السفر الطويل وقدروه بـ ( 81 كم ) أو ما يزيد عليها ، أما إن كان السفر في دون ذلك فلا يباح له الفطر ، ويشترط عند أئمتنا بل وجمهور العلماء : أن يُنشأ السفرَ قبل الفجر بحيث يخرج من عمران قريته أو مدينته قبل الفجر، أما لو طلع عليه الفجر وما زال في عمران مدينته فلا يجوز له الفطر . وصرح الحنابلةُ كما في “الإنصاف” وغيره من كتبهم بجواز الفطر لمن سافر بعد الفجر لكن الصوم عندهم أفضل ، واختار جوازه أيضاً الإمامان المزني من أئمتنا الشافعية وإسحق بن راهويه وهو وجهٌ ضعيفٌ في مذهبنا محكيٌّ عن غير المزني كما قال الإمام النووي في “المجموع”، فلمن شاء تقليدهم في ذلك ، والله أعلم .


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