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Advance Payment towards a property Sale


I hI have sold my commercial property in Lusaka .We ,I as the seller and the buyer agreed the sell price and mode of payment.It was agreed that the buyer would pay in 24 months.And also agreed that the buyer would pay the seller a third of sell price as advance payment which is not refundable should the buyer decides to not to buy the property ;After 15 months the buyer who did not pay anything after as agreed that the whole amount would be paid in 24 months.The buyer did pay a advance as to secure the deal. After that no payment was paid since the initial deposit :The buyer has informed me the (seller) that they the buyer would not pay and call of the deal. It was legally agreed that the advance deposit payment paid by the buyer to the seller would not be refunded.I ask your guidance as to what does Islam says on this matter :Can you guide me on this matter Please :I seek your guidance on this matter .JZKL. ave sold my commercial property in Lusaka .We ,I as the seller and the buyer agreed the sell price and mode of payment.It was agreed that the buyer would pay in 24 months.And also agreed that the buyer would pay the seller a third of sell price as advance payment which is not refundable should the buyer decides to not to buy the property ;After 15 months the buyer who did not pay anything after as agreed that the whole amount would be paid in 24 months.The buyer did pay a advance as to secure the deal.After that no payment was paid since the initial deposit :The buyer has informed me the (seller) that they the buyer would not pay and call of the deal.It was legally agreed that the advance deposit payment paid by the buyer to the seller would not be refunded.I ask your guidance as to what does Islam says on this matter :Canyou guide me on this matter:Please :I seek your guidance on this matter .JZKL.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

We apologise for the much belated response.

The advance payment made is an Amaanah/trust in the possession of the seller.

If the buyer cancels the transaction, the laws of Iqaalah (Cancelling the transaction) will apply and the amount received will have to be returned to the buyer.

It is not permissible to charge and keep the advance amount due to default of payment. [1]



And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best



Mufti Muhammad I.V Patel


Checked and Approved by
Mufti Nabeel Valli


Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah

Lusaka, Zambia




مجلة الأحكام العدلية (ص: 40)

(الْمَادَّةُ 191) الْإِقَالَةُ كَالْبَيْعِ تَكُونُ بِالْإِيجَابِ وَالْقَبُولِ مَثَلًا لَوْ قَالَ أَحَدُ الْعَاقِدَيْنِ: أَقَلْت الْبَيْعَ أَوْ فَسَخْته وَقَالَ الْآخَرُ: قَبِلْت , أَوْ قَالَ أَحَدُهُمَا لِلْآخَرِ: أَقِلْنِي الْبَيْعَ فَقَالَ الْآخَرُ: قَدْ فَعَلْت صَحَّتْ الْإِقَالَةُ وَيَنْفَسِخُ الْبَيْعُ


(الْمَادَّةُ 192) : الْإِقَالَةُ بِالتَّعَاطِي الْقَائِمِ مَقَامَ الْإِيجَابِ وَالْقَبُولِ صَحِيحَةٌ


(الْمَادَّةُ 195) لَوْ كَانَ بَعْضُ الْمَبِيعِ قَدْ تَلِفَ صَحَّتْ الْإِقَالَةُ فِي الْبَاقِي مَثَلًا لَوْ بَاعَ أَرْضَهُ الَّتِي مَلَكَهَا مَعَ الزَّرْعِ وَبَعْدَ أَنْ حَصَدَ الْمُشْتَرِي الزَّرْعَ تَقَايَلَا الْبَيْعَ صَحَّتْ الْإِقَالَةُ فِي حَقِّ الْأَرْضِ بِقَدْرِ حِصَّتِهَا مِنْ الثَّمَنِ الْمُسَمَّى


فتاوی دینیہ جلد4/253

ڈیپازٹ کا مطلب امانت ہوتا ہے، اس لئے جب دکان خالی کرائی جائے تو جتنا کرایہ باقی ہو وہ اس میں سے وصول کر کے بقیہ امانت کی رقم واپس کر دینی ضروری ہے، ڈیپازٹ پر قبضہ کرنے کی شرط خلاف شرع ہے اس کی آڑ میں پوری امانت پر قبضہ کر لینا غصب اور خیانت کے حکم میں آنے کی وجہ سے گناہ کہلائے گا۔


پگڑی کی رقم واپس کر دینا چاہئے


محقق و مدلل جدید مسائل جلد1/371

قطعی ایجاب وقبول کے بعد مشتری (خریدار) نے بطورِ بیعانہ کوئی رقم بائع ( بیچنے والا) کو دی، پھر بیع کو آپسی رضامندی سے فسخ کیا گیا، تو بیعانہ (ایڈوانس) کی رقم کی واپسی مشتری کا حق ہے، اور اس کے لیے اس کا لینا بھی جائز ہے


 احسن الفتاویٰ ۶/۵۲۸

فقہی مقالات ۱/۲۱۷

کفایت المفتی ۷؍۳۳۹

فتاویٰ رحیمیہ ۶؍۱۵۵

کتاب النوازل جلد 12/306

فتاوی فریدیہ جلد 299/7


This answer was collected from Daruliftaazambia.com, which serves as a gateway to Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah – Lusaka, Zambia.