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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Is Khattab Da-im a reliable narrator?

Another du’a when wearing new clothes

Proofs for cutting the hand of a thief from the wrist

Ayyub As Sakhtiyani (rahimahullah) would become saddened when hearing the news of the demise of someone from the Ahlus Sunnah

Folding clothes

Addition of the word ‘thawba’ in the du’a for wearing clothes

Recitals for each of the three sets of 10 days of Ramadan

Du’a when looking in the mirror

Saying ‘Fi amanillah’ when bidding farewell

Grade of a Hadith on the importance of protecting the Quran and the Family of Nabi (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam)

A narration regarding Fatimah (radiyallahu ‘anha) and her progeny

Books on the topic of Hadith compilation and preservation

Hold fast to the Quran and Sunnah and you will not stray

Surah Kawthar for fulfilment of needs

Books that discuss the fitnah of Hadith Rejection