Home » Posts tagged 'sunnah' (Page 20)

Answers with Tag: sunnah

Is this Story from Hadith

One or Two Adhans for Jumuah

Combining Intentions of Ghusls

Hadith on Supplication of Travelling

Hadith on Halal and Haram and Doubtful Matters

Is Friday Ghusl Sunnah or Fardh?

Do Women Not Wash their Labia Minora in Istinjaa?

Can one make Group Dhikr in a Chorus?

What is the Sunnah Visiting Time of Masjid Quba on Saturday?

Imposing Monetary Punishment on Disobedient Students

Why do Muslims Hasten the Burial?

Can Men wear Necklaces with the Name of Allah?

How Should I Deal With a Wife Who Claimed She Was a Single Mother and Applied for a Bursary for My Child’s Education Without Telling Me?

Should One Preserve Their Honor and Reputation?

Is drinking milk against the sunna?