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Answers with Tag: semen

At what age did a person need to start praying Namaaz?

Is there a defined way to take a bath when a man has nightfall?

Does masturbation breaks the fast during Ramadan?

Is it halal to buy two laptops and submit an invoice for 55000 for one laptop?

Do I need to perform ghusl after each discharge & is a cloth “paak” after washing with water?

Is watching TV forbidden in Islam?

Is adding Google AdSense in a website, and earning money through this halal?

Is ghusl required after kissing wife on cheeks and lips?

How to get a divorce for a sister in India (Hanafee school) with unresponsive husband in Dubai?

Is it Halal or Haram to sell computer and similar equipment in Islam?

Is semen analysis allowed while trying for a child?

Is it permissible to transfer semen through medical procedures with consent from both parties?

What are the benefits of paying Zakat and what duas can I say to increase my family’s Rizq and health?

Is it permissible to hold separate Isha namaz with tarawi and vitr in different floors of a masjid during Ramadan?

Due to excitement during sohbat, what will happen if one swallows a drop of milk or semen?