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Answers with Tag: repent

Sodomy with clothes on

Should I Tell My Family I’m Happy with My Boyfriend Despite Their Disapproval?

Muslim Love Dilemma: Can We Marry Despite Our Families Being Too Close?

Repenting to Allah: Beyond Obligatory Prayers and Nafl

Girl masturbating while fasting

Eating squid, octopus and mussels

Gifts received before nikaah

Marrying a Non-Muslim: My Dilemma

Marijuana: Khmar and Salat Validity for 40 Days?

Feeling ashamed of one’s past

If somebody offered Salah in an impure state, what level of sin would be involved?

What is the ruling in Shariah if a baligh man touches his sister’s hand in an emotional manner?

Does divorce occur if husband says “talaq” 3 times in anger, then regrets it later?

Is video chat adultery considered zina in Islam? What is the punishment and how can one repent?

Can You Explain the Ruling for Combining Multiple Intentions in a Prayer? [Shafi’i]