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Answers with Tag: Nikah

Doubt of divorce

Conducting a Nikaah over the phone

Is it permissible for the newlywed couple to be intimate before Rukhsati and moving in with another?

Can my father perform our Nikah?

If we did not sign a marriage contract, is the Nikah still valid?

Is Mahr necessary in a Nikah?

Can the son of the bride from her first marriage be a witness for her second marriage?

If an unmarried woman fell pregnant out of the wedlock of Nikah, can she marry the biological father of the child and would the child be illegitimate? 

If a person leaves the fold of Islam and then reverts back to Islam, do they have to repeat all their passed Salaahs, Fasts, Zakaat and Hajj? 

If a husband takes a loan and gives the loaned amount to his wife as Mahr, is the Mahr valid? 

Forced Marriage

Doing Halaalah to legitimize a marriage

Does lying about a divorce terminate a Nikah?

Does divorce take place if a husband simply leaves his wife?

Does a woman inherit from her husband if her husband passes away before consummating the marriage?