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Answers with Tag: music

Football stadiums

Vocal and Beatboxing

Does Liking Sin Take One Out of the Fold of Islam?

Is having a marriage hall business in Pakistan considered lawful or unlawful?

When should one follow Fatwa over piety in a wedding ceremony?

Is it permissible to listen to music only songs?

Is it allowed in Islam to beat drums and sing songs in a wedding function within a private house where music is not heard outside?

Is Listening to Someone Singing Without Musical Instruments Haram?

If There’s Constantly Music in My Office Can I Recite Quran?

Is Playing Musical Instruments in an App Haram?

Can Someone Attend a Court Marriage Ceremony for His Christian Co-Worker?

Can I Attend a Gym That Plays Music?

Are Cartoons Like Hana and Omar Permissible?

How Did the Salaf View Musical Instruments?

Are Movies, Games and Novels Allowed?