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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abbas

Islamic Manners: The Proper Manners of Eating 

The Path to Safety 

The Legal Penalty for Stealing

Charging commissions

What is the Islamic position on surrogate motherhood?

Is Tarawih Prayer 20 Raka’at?

Women/men wearing rings with certain stones 

Divorced woman marrying without her guardian’s approval

Earrings for Men

Working at a cinema, finding it hard to pray and avoid the haram

Fiqh of Islamic Months: The Month of Muharram

What is our response to the person who argues for the permissibility of temporary marriage on the basis that some eminent Companions allowed it?

The mustache in the Shafi`i school  

What is the meaning of qawwamuna as used in Surat al-Nisa’, verse 34?

Ruling by Islamic Law